Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 35: Goodbye to the Ice Palace

I think it was last November that Toby came home and I had not only removed most of the land in Snake Island (our home) but had also turned the sim to ice.

In due course I placed the Louvre Pyramid (Grande) to be our new home and filled it with art and furnishings.

This is Bryn Oh's 'Seraphim', one of my favourite pieces of all time.

Obviously we needed a few penguins and the odd whale.

...and some ice pathways.....

..and a few outdoor areas.... we could potter about.

The pyramid has automatic double sliding doors in each face,

and, its glass panels randomly cycle through a range of pastel shades.

Here is a birds eye view of the whole sim.

Inside is enormous, this is the formal entertaining area on the ground floor.

This is a cosy corner where used to we sit and chat with close friends with the talented Feathers Boa's 'Illusive Dreamer' in the back ground.

The lookout at the top of the pyramid gives a fabulous panoramic view of the sim.

While on the floor below we have our music and quiet room where the dogs listen to us playing.

The latest addition to the music area, this beautiful crystal piano was a gift from one of our customers.

Here is the sleeping area where I went  a bit OTT on the choice of this opulent bed.

This is the less formal Japanese style entertaining area on the first floor.

 No home is complete without a reflective space for meditation.

So goodbye to the Ice Palace....

...for I took it down yesterday as the seasons are changing.

Who knows what Toby will find when he comes home tomorrow?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 34: More Customer Pictures!

You guys all send me so many lovely pictures that I can hardly post them up fast enough. Here are the ones I have had sent to me most recently.

Katenali perched The Jacobean Manor high on a plateau overlooking her land.

Here is Cheryl Flanagan's corner of Scotland. You might recognise the path and the cottage garden!

Here is Florence Nexen's delightful cottage.....

...thats our trees and cottage garden at the rear.

Here are a couple more shots from Logan Willow and SkyeSunset Willow 

Their land is called Lewis Rock ..

...and it is so pretty.

Here is how Ingeborg Apfelbaum solved a change in levels with our path and steps. In fact we made the steps to help her out!

Here is a shot of Karlinjames Zepp's magnificent house and gardens project. I think we will see more of this in the future!

We  love it  when people modify  what they buy....this  gate was white until Jace Cazenove  started working on it.

RaskTarn created this amazing winter wonderland......

.......the atmosphere is so inviting.....

....imagine a winter walk......

....then the return home..... a welcome fire indoors.

Here is Brae Avon's cosy fireplace.

Dim Sum Gardens are open to the public......

.........WeeWillie Wylie has used so many lovely plants and  landscaping ideas.......... make it such a peaceful haven.....

...for relaxing with a chum....

Do visit if you can.

Wonder Boy decided to make February 29th special by proposing to his beloved.......

He secretly built this lovely bower with her favourite flowers, roses and tulips........

Not too surprisingly......Amethyst said yes! He wins the prize for romance.

I love this parcel on the sea.........

...we had a few visits from Serenity Quander to get it just right.

Please keep sending your photos.............and I will keep putting them on show here.
