Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 1: Dearest Diary

Last night I slept on one of the sofas in the new skybox we are working on and when I woke up I wandered around a bit marveling at Toby's skills as a builder. I am always mad about the build we are working on and practically live in it until it is finished and goes onto  the Seccond Life Marketplace.

Then I teleported (TP'd) up to our marketplace platform on our sim to see if we had had any overnight visitors looking at our builds (Hi Jupiter Firelyte, did you like the Shabby Chic Shack?)  displayed there and, having finally found the lost slwin -hub in my inventory which I dropped in the swimming pool (wonder why I am still swimming underwater only?) had the marvellous idea to start this diary.

Here is a picture of the Silver Lining Swimming Pool for you to drool over.
That is me  in the far distance sunning myself.....and here is a close up of the pool... designed by me and built by the skillful Toby natch!

This evening we were in Crossworlds Jazz Club for Sundance's set and both Christina and Kiss were there  dancing also and Toby dished out copies of the cute bunny I have been wearing recently which led to a lot of remarks........(you can probably guess)...about bunnies which I felt maligned them!
Then we all had  to head over to The Little Palace, Crossworlds for the opening  of Sasha Dielli's ethereal  sculptures.


  1. Those sofas looks so comfy. I slept on the roof but it was a bit cold and frosty.

  2. Sheesh Dearest ... it was Sundown Djing lol.. Guess who is posting this ?
