Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 10:The Perfect Valentines Gift?

I dont know about you, but I am already dreading Valentines Day. If you are single its like having your face rubbed in the bitter ashes of coupledom.

But... if you are unlucky enough to be part of a couple its ten times worse! 

There are a number of words that make me shudder including :- 'couple', 'partner', 'hubby', 'herself' and 'fiance' to name but a few. I am sure you get the gist.

Just imagine if you are happily tootling along in tandem with your lover and  on Valentines Day he suddenly produces a ring, or gives  you a LL partner agreement.

The status quo would be  irrevocably changed for ever. Aargh.

I can't even begin to describe my horror at the thought  of facing my own SL wedding.

I do have a lover yes..................(and I am mad about you Toby)........................

.................but no shocks please!

So why all the picutures of the beautiful pink house I hear you ask?

Well...................it is the perfect Valetines gift!

Buy it for yourself and hide inside until after February 14th is over.

Happy Valentine's......

Visit 'Rose Romance' at:-


  1. Ha! Soo.. when is the SL WEDDING then? Jan and I are sure looking for the invite:-) Im sure Toby has something special planned for Valentines Day .. havent you Toby ? 'Rose Romance' looks cool !! Well done you two :-)

  2. huh? what?? *gulp* I think I'm out that day...
