Today is the day for the Crossworlds Tribute
It will be held in Crossworlds Over the Rainbow Jazz Club from 1-30 (and later) slt
Please tell your friends to come and dance and laugh all night
Master of Ceromonies: Marius Madrigal
Music: With 7 artists
1.00-10.10 Opening (Nerd Bert Crossworlds Owner)
1.10-1.35 pm Drezz Jarman
1.35- 2.00pm Kiss Larix
2.00- 2.30pm Sundown Munforth-Merchiston
2.30-3.00pm Nellie Viper
3.00-3.05 Surprise Performance
3.05-3.35pm Special surprise live performance
3.35pm onwards Toby Howton
Fabi did not know whether to laugh or cry when she realised that she had been duped, and, for her, the night passed in wonder and amazement at how much she is loved by the friends of the gallery and the artists who exhibit there.
"La peinture, c'est très facile quand vous ne savez pas comment faire. Quand vous le savez, c'est très difficile."
"Painting is easy when you don't know how, but very difficult when you do."
Edgar Degas
Nerd Bert, the owner of Crossworlds Gallery and Fabilene's partner opened the evening by saying how much we all appreciated what Fabi did for the gallery and art in SL and added a few words of his own love and esteem of her.
Marius Madrigal was the Master of Ceremonies for the night and was dressed to kill in satorial elegance that surprised us all.
"Tous les enfants sont des artistes. Le problème est comment rester un artiste une fois qu'il grandit."
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
Pablo Picasso
"Aujourd'hui, chacun sait le prix de toutes choses, et nul ne connaît la valeur de quoi que ce soit."
The first DJ was Drezz Jarman, seen here with Fabi and Nerd dancing behind him.
He kicked off with some blues and oldies to set the scene.
The auction opened on Thursday night and all the items donated were up on auction boards on the floor above. The larger items were also on display inworld. Many people visited during the evening to place bids (see my last blog entry for the full catalogue) and my email was popping all night as the totals grew.
"Je ne peins pas les choses, je ne peins que les rapports entre les choses"
Here is Jacque Quijote who donated his famous work in minature, looking at the other items on display.
Over the Rainbow was full all evening.........the atmosphere was great!
When Kiss Larix (a regular DJ at OTR on Thursday nights) come on for her set she upped the anti with some funk.
It was hard to keep track of everyone who was there but I snagged Orsini ....
...................and Schmonson
............although I was busy all night behind the scenes I still got to dance with Toby......................
Sundown followed Kiss................and he decided to blast us out with a bit of rock, blues and oldies.................
Which meant we needed to chill a while when Nellie came to offer some mellow Jazz that had us all transported into other realms.....
..and that set the scene beautfully for Sweetsouls specially arranged rendition of Georgia (his own special gift to Fabi)................
he was accompanied by his beautiful partner Avery on the piano................
..............and then we had a special treat..................
The best kept secret of this evening of secrets was the live singing performance of Arturo Martinsyde, a favourite of Fabis and of us all at OTR.
"Nowadays people know the price of everything, and the value of nothing."
Le Portrait de Dorian Gray (1891), Oscar Wilde
The first DJ was Drezz Jarman, seen here with Fabi and Nerd dancing behind him.

He kicked off with some blues and oldies to set the scene.
"Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen”
"La peinture est poésie muette, la poésie peinture aveugle."
Léonard de Vinci - Traité sur la Peinture
Léonard de Vinci - Traité sur la Peinture
The auction opened on Thursday night and all the items donated were up on auction boards on the floor above. The larger items were also on display inworld. Many people visited during the evening to place bids (see my last blog entry for the full catalogue) and my email was popping all night as the totals grew.
"Aujourd'hui le monde n'a pas de sens, alors pourquoi devrais-je peindre des images qui en ont?"
"The world today doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?"
Pablo Picasso
"Je ne peins pas les choses, je ne peins que les rapports entre les choses"
"I don't paint things. I only paint the difference between things."
Henri Matisse
Here is Jacque Quijote who donated his famous work in minature, looking at the other items on display.
Over the Rainbow was full all evening.........the atmosphere was great!
"Fourier avait fait annoncer dans la presse qu'il serait à son domicile tous les jours à midi pour recevoir le mécène éventuel. Pendant des années... il ne manqua jamais de se trouver chez lui pour accueillir ce visiteur qui ne vint jamais."
"Fourier announced in the newspapers that he would be at home everyday at noon to welcome the possible patron. For years and years ... he never missed to be at home to welcome this visitor who never came."
Le Féminisme au masculin (1980) - Benoîte Groult about Charles Fourrier
"Il n'y a pas d'obligation en art parce que l'art est libre"
"There is no must in art because art is free."
Wassily Kandinsky
When Kiss Larix (a regular DJ at OTR on Thursday nights) come on for her set she upped the anti with some funk.
It was hard to keep track of everyone who was there but I snagged Orsini ....
.................................and Typote
"L'amour de la musique mène toujours à la musique de l'amour..."
"The love of music always leads to the music of love ..."
Choses et autres (published 1975) - Jacques Prévert
The dance floor was busy all night
Sundown followed Kiss................and he decided to blast us out with a bit of rock, blues and oldies.................
Which meant we needed to chill a while when Nellie came to offer some mellow Jazz that had us all transported into other realms.....
..and that set the scene beautfully for Sweetsouls specially arranged rendition of Georgia (his own special gift to Fabi)................
he was accompanied by his beautiful partner Avery on the piano................
"Rose est une rose est une rose est une rose."
"Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose."
Sacred Emily (Poem - 1913) - Gertude Stein
"Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror, or the painter?”
"Qui voit la figure humaine correctement ? Le photographe, le miroir ou le peintre ?"
Destiny Xonfor
The dancing was fabulous..........and the music divine...............
Our regular hostess at OTR Christina Rumble was there as usual dressed to kill.....
Sometimes it was necessary just to relax................
Thank you so much to all of you who made this happen:
These photographs gratefully accepted from:
Toby Howton, Jacque Quijote, Sweetsoul Summerwind and Fabilene Cortes.
Thank you all my friends..... oh and see you next year!
..................mmm....................too much to drink?
Yep .. that was one awesome nite at OTR. An extremely good turn out for Fabi's Tribute .. You should be very pleased with what you achieved Dearest and Toby .. Well done :-)
ReplyDeleteThe inner and outer beauty of Fabilene, his love of art, his brilliant intellect, his deep respect for the work: they are the greatest gift an artist and a man can receive.
ReplyDeleteGive me some of your light and I'll give you a world of colors.