Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 22: Toby's Juke Joint

OMG look what Toby found in his inventory!

Its the Bar from Toby's Juke Joint

For those of you who can remember, it was the coolest Blues Club on SL.

It was closed last September due to some unforeseen circumstances and he has been asked about it ever since.

It was busy day and night.

There were usually about  forty people there at almost any time.

Sometimes there were 100 on the sim

I met Toby there!

We might reopen it for 24 hours to mark the anniversary in September

Dearest Myrtle


  1. Whens the day ? Ive got my set all prepared LOL .. WE WANT TOBYS .. WE WANT TOBYS .. WE WANT TOBYS .. can u hear what i am saying ? hahaahahahaha

  2. Dont worry Sun you will be the first to know!

  3. I loved Toby's, didn't know it had closed and went looking for it today. So sad to hear it's gone.

  4. I'm very touched that people have such fond memories of Toby's. The club became a bit of an institution over its four years and it's always nice to hear about the happiness it brought people.
